Tuesday, February 16

I love mixing colors: EOTD green

Here's a new greenish golden eyeshadow, lovechild of Indian Blue (2/3) and Oriental Beige (1/3). Good to know I can use Indian Blue at least this way - it's much too blue for me to be used straight. Also mixed 2/3 of TKB Trading's eyeshadow base with 1/3 Artisan Coral to get a nice natural looking blush - very, very nice sheen. I should add some Artisan Coral to my foundie, I liked it that much. Pic taken in daylight, all dry.

The eye makeup: Indian Blue/Oriental Beige mix all over lid, Simply Naturals' Twilight in the crease, Conservatorie foundi (my lighter mix containing lots od TiO2) on the browbone, under the eyes and as foundi.
Curled the lashes too but I cant see much difference. Mascara wand can do the same fob with less fuss.
I tried the wet application of foundi today and I did not like the effect. Apparently one needs to do some serious moisturizing beforehand cause now my skin is a bit too wrinkly on the cheeks - this has never happened to me before.


  1. Väga kaunis rohekas toon ja ilus meik! Ma üritasin ka millalgi midagi kokku miksida, aga ma olen ikka täielik äpu selles vallas.:D Pärast oli palju koristamist ja ega toonid ka suuremad asjad välja ei kukkunud.

  2. Tänud!
    Kui vaatad poodide värvivalikut siis tegelikult on neil väga vähe säravpuhtaid toone - enamus on murtud/veidi määrdunud ja mingi sädeluse/läikega, mis asja huvitavamaks teeb. Ma avastasin, et mida rohkem erinevaid toone kasutada, seda määrdunum tulemus jääb - ja see pole just alati kõige parem. Hetkel püüan Chameleon Fine'i kasutatavaks muuta, liiga oranž punane mu jaoks, et niisama kanda. Ära viska asja nurka, proovi ikka edasi :)
