Tuesday, February 9

E.L.F. mineral lipsticks - not bad at all

lipThe main problem with E.L.F. mineral lipsticks is that they are NOT true to pics on the E.L.F. homepage. Most of the negative comments are made by people who have bought a specific color and then ended up with something totally different. I think it's "Royal Red" that causes the biggest confusion. I warmly suggest to look at a lot of swatches first when planning to get some.
Also beware - it's not a true "mineral" product - mineral oils are used in production. Of course E.L.F. homepage fails to tell us this and those ingredients can be later found on the packaging of the product as it arrives in your mailbox.
E.L.F.i mineraalhuulepulgad on põhimõtteliselt toonivad läiked - sõbraliku koostisega (sisaldab loodusliku kõrval siiski ka paari mineraalõli-derivaati, kõigile ei sobi) ning mahedad toonid. Kui uskuda e.l.f.i kodulehel olevaid kommentaare, siis on osad huulepulgad katvama koostisega kui teised. Maksavad 5 USD tükk kuid saab ka odavamalt, kui kupongikoode kasutada.
The ones I got are Pouty Petal and Rosy Raisin. Nice colors, the first is cooler, the latter warmer toned. Both are very suitable for pale people. Remind me of my favorite lipstick-shaped  lipglosses from Manhattan that are no longer in production - sheer, moisturizing and wearable. I quite like the packaging - sleek and black, the logo is very unnoticeable - black on black.
E.L.F. ships pretty fast, ordered on 27th and received on 9th, 2 weeks is very good for packages from US. I used the coupon code "CAROLINA" which gives you 50% off on your purchase up to 15 USD. Since E.L.F. stuff is cheap, one does not exceed that limit very often. Perhaps if you crave the Studio Line makeup-brush set that costs 30 USD... but even then I suggest to wait for a special offer on makeup brushes which is bound to happen at some point. Occasionally they even offer 75% off coupon codes on some products. But the "CAROLINA" though - I think it's a permanent thing, it has been around for quite some time now.

Annoying is that once I received the lipsticks I discovered that they have a 50% sale on lipsticks until February 15th (if you buy for more then 15 USD worth) with the coupon code "50LIPS".

E.L.F. aslo has a quite reputable-looking mineral product line: bases (not much of a color selection, contains bismuth oxychloride) eyeshadows, blushes etc. and their Studio line makeup brushes are also quite famous. I also read excellent reviews on their 1-dollar line eye shadow and blender brushes.


  1. Tere! Tahtsin küsida, kuidas te sealt ELFist tellisite? Kas lasite kellegil US-st endale saata või saab siiski sealt lehelt ka Eestisse tellida? UK lehel on kõik need asjad julmalt ülehinnatud, kuidagi ei tahaks sealt osta..

  2. Trikk: telli USA lehelt ja siis märgi, nagu oleksid armees aega teenimas, seal selline valik olemas. Armeebaasid on ameeriklastel üle maailma laiali ja neil auasjaks, et kõik "kodumaad teenivad kangelased" asukohast hoolimata oma asjad ikka kätte saaksid.

  3. Hi, thanks for dropping me a note on my blog. Yes I'm aware they are not real mineral lipsticks. But still I find them pretty good and value for money (especially when there are discounts :) ).

    I like Silk Naturals if I want mineral lipsticks/glosses. :)
