Made 2 sets: one with Grape as base and the other with Pure Purple. Unfortunately it was not Pure Purple that gave the better result...
I used zip loc bags and did not measure the amounts. Small amounts of course :D.
Mix based on Grape is in inner corners, Pure Purple mix in outer corners and Hilite Gold as highlighter. No other makeup anywhere. No primer, all applied dry.PS! One of the pale-skinned blue-eyes reviewers on Makeupalley complained, that the color was too gray for her eyes so I started to suspect my mix is still too pinkish. Solution - added a little orange to balance out the purple.
TKB mineraalpigmentidest saab ise endale segada just vajaliku tooni, samuti saab olemasolevaid ja mittesobivaid värve endale sobivamaks muuta. Vajab vaid veidi harjutamist ja värvisegamise kogemust. Puhtad raudoksiidid ei segune kuigi hästi, neid tuleb nt kohviveskis segada - TKB lauvärvipõhi enam kohviveskit ei vaja, seguneb suurepäraselt vilgupõhiste mineraalpigmentidega.Oksiide tuleb seevastu ALATI kohviveskis segada, sest muidu jätab valmissegu nahale triibud - kilekotis mudides/segades ei õnnestu oksiide kuidagi ideaalselt baasiga läbi kloppida.
Very pretty! Looks quite similar :)
ReplyDeleteI'm just making a new TKB order, I just don't know what I need (well, lip safe pinks at least). LOL
I want all of those... but you might want to put Smokey XXX and Crucibles collection. I also like the finishes of the colors ending in "fine" like Bronze Fine - nice elegant colors and stick well. Athena is excellent and Satin Orange Gold is also fun to have - good blender. I use Winter Rose as blush sometimes and the Paris Pink one when diluted makes a nice blush too. Apple Blossom on it's own has too high sheen.
ReplyDeleteAre you also buying other stuff besides micas? Lipstick base for instance?
I have Coastal Scents' Glossi Glaze, so I ordered only some pigments, allantoin, silk powder...
ReplyDeleteI advise to be careful with silk - makes me itch like hell...
Silk is surprisingly one of the ingredients my difficult skin likes :D
ReplyDeleteGrape-mix niiskelt on minu arvates ikka väga sarnane.