Friday, January 22
EOTD blue? Experimenting with Edda's set
What colors go well with blue eyes? Definitely not blue and never anything that even remotely reminds turquoise, at least in my case it's definitely THE rule. It automatically adds 20 years and makes me look like an old tired prostitute.
This EOTD is all about experimenting - the first time I ever used a white color in my eye makeup: TKB Trading's Satin White as highlighter. The latter has strong sheen and not much coverage so it makes a superb highlighter.
TKB Trading's Edda Got Attitude Set was at first quite disappointing - the other day I used Lotsa Lime dry without primer and it was far too sheer - it got better though, using wet application and primer. And OMG do I look bad with Pure Purple! It's exactly the color of a bruise... I've tried to make something with it for at least 3 times but always ended up removing everything from my face. Totally Teal though is something that needs some consideration... as a solo color it's definitely a no go but it can be used in combination with others.
Stuff used:
Satin White under the brows and inner corners
Totally Teal in outer corners
Lotsa Lime in inner corners
EDM's Pearl Sunlight under the eyes
The Conservatorie's Caramel Light foundi tweaked with Archetype's Pink Beige level 1. My own mix of Paris Pink and eye shadow base (50:50) as blush.
Väga kena näeb välja! Mul on tegelikult tunne, et sa saad küll vist iga värviga hakkama... Mina jällegi proovisin mingi hullumeelse tuju sunnil kodus ära totally teali ja pure purplei kombo.
ReplyDeleteNii, et mul on sama hele nahk ja ka sellised hallikas sinakad silmad. Kui elukaaslane koju tuli sain vastata küsimusele kas ma olen ennast kuskile ära löönud või kukkunud. XD
Kõige lõbusam on, et värvid ise jubedalt mulle meeldivad, lihtsalt pole välja mõelnud millega koos nad toimiks veel. ja aitähh igatahes! lõbus on mängida.
Vaene mees :D, selline jube šokk. Aga tõesti, need potisinised ja lillad on parem pruuni- ja rohesilmsetele jätta. Ma saan kanda vaid neid lillasid, millel on palju punast sees, Grape'i saab välja kanda küll - aga mitte kunagi solovärvina. Ma mõtlesin järgmisena proovida järele teha üht Lily Lolo väga kuulsat lauvärvi Golden Lilac - kuldse läikega lilla. Ma veel ei tea, kas võtta aluseks Grape või Pure Purple :) aga see toon peaks ka sinisilmsetele sobima. Kuidas ülejäänud toonid ka on? Ma enam ei mäleta, mis ma Sulle kaasa pakkisin :)