Monday, November 30

EOTD Gray: Epiphany

Valisin toonid umbropsu - kohutav kuid kuigi mul on nii palju erinevaid lauvärvitoone, tundub mulle ikka, et pole midagi laugudele panna - et kõik toonid juba ära proovitud ja kombinatsioonid läbi mängitud. Sellisel juhul on vaja vaid silmad sulgeda ja posust mõned niisama välja võtta - võib väga headele kombinatsioonidele juhtuda.

Archetype' toonidest Epiphany üle lau, Dirty Blonde kulmuluust silmavaoni ning Oceans of the Night niiskelt lainerina. Silmavaos on The Conservatorie Dark Coco. Silmade all EDM'i Pearl Sunlight ja meigipõhjana EDM'i Intensive Fair concealer.
Lauvärvipõhi on Manhattani oma ning ripsmetušš Lumene Blueberry. Ripsmed seekord ei õnnestunud - aevastus tuli enne peale.

Archetype's Epiphany all over lid,
Archetype's Dirty Blonde from crease to browbone,
The Conservatorie's Brown Coco in the crease and
Archetype's Oceans of the Night wet as liner.
EDM's Pearl Sunlight under the eyes
EDM's Intensive Fair concealer as foundation

Looks nice. Used the new EDM dome blending blush to apply the crease color - worked quite fine. Picture taken on a cloudy day, by the window some 10 minutes after applying.

Archetype has lots of different muted tones, many grays to choose from. Epiphany is dark silver gray with medium sheen that has tiny sparks of all colors in it. Dirty Blonde is orangish muted beige tone with golden sheen and Oceans of the Night is dark bluish black with tiny multicolored sparkles. Conservatorie's Brown Coco is simple matte dark brown.

1 comment:

  1. I loved this look, i'm very into this kind of colors too. Stylish and elegant as always :)
