I found an interesting video on youtube claiming it's possible to evaluate the quality of MMU by dropping some in a glass of water and mixing it through - apparently the good quality MMU will not sink or mix with water. I find this rather doubtful a hypothesis since I like to have scientific reasoning to back everything up.
According to my logic the only thing proven by this is that the powder contains lots of water repelling TiO2 pigment. This means that most mica-based formulae will sink and formulae with more kaolin clay in it, will make the water gray.
I personally do not enjoy very high concentration TiO2 stuff on my skin - it looks mask-like on me.
Wednesday, August 26
Sunday, August 23
EOTD Rainbow: including the much avoided blue aka The Swedish Flag
This one is something i tried to do using the bright blue that i usually avoid cause it adds 30 yrs to me. And makes me look like lady of questionable morals. Well - unfortunately it did not turn out so good initially - and as I mended it later by adding a 'lil green in the middle and some off white in inner corners (improved the overall look a lot, i must say) I forgot to take the new pictures :D. So these two here are not the actual finished looks.
TKB Trading's Pop! Collection again, this time Lemon Drop and Blueberry. Later I added some Green Apple on the moving part of the lid, just above the iris and some EDM's Pearl Sunlight in the inner corners to tone down the excess yellowness. It looked pretty good after that.
These photos are actually very helpful - they help me to see, if the color is evenly spread or still needs to be blended. Educating. Ppl usually keep it to themselves when something is amiss in your face but the camera does not lie.
Meigist enda jaoks piltide tegemine on tegelt vägagi vajalik. Kui muid katsejäneseid pole ja iseenda peal harjutama peab, siis on väga raske hinnata, kas toonid said nüüd sümmeetriliselt peale kantud võiet kas toonide üleminekud on sujuvalt välja tulnud.
Nendel piltidel siin on hästi näha see, et kahe tooni vaheline üleminek on liiga järsk - seepärast lisasin pärast keskele, iirise kohale rohelise täpi ning veidi heledamat tooni silma sisenurka - see muutis mulje veidi sujuvamaks.
TKB Trading's Pop! Collection again, this time Lemon Drop and Blueberry. Later I added some Green Apple on the moving part of the lid, just above the iris and some EDM's Pearl Sunlight in the inner corners to tone down the excess yellowness. It looked pretty good after that.
These photos are actually very helpful - they help me to see, if the color is evenly spread or still needs to be blended. Educating. Ppl usually keep it to themselves when something is amiss in your face but the camera does not lie.
Meigist enda jaoks piltide tegemine on tegelt vägagi vajalik. Kui muid katsejäneseid pole ja iseenda peal harjutama peab, siis on väga raske hinnata, kas toonid said nüüd sümmeetriliselt peale kantud võiet kas toonide üleminekud on sujuvalt välja tulnud.
Nendel piltidel siin on hästi näha see, et kahe tooni vaheline üleminek on liiga järsk - seepärast lisasin pärast keskele, iirise kohale rohelise täpi ning veidi heledamat tooni silma sisenurka - see muutis mulje veidi sujuvamaks.
Friday, August 21
JJ's swatches of her Minerals.Planet products
JJ's haul:
JJ tehtud swatchid Eestis MineralsPlanet'i nime all müüdava kraamist. Kaup pärineb tõenäoliselt Costal Scentsist. Kudos maaletoojale!Thursday, August 20
EOTD Rainbow
Another sort of rainbow-look, colors used are TKB's Tangerine all over, Lemon drop in outer corners and Strawberry in the outer corners and crease.
Needs more blending, the eyes are a bit uneven.
BF hates it. Says it makes the eyes appear small.
Kuna kaameral on kombeks toone leebematena näidata, on see siin tõeline karnevalimeik: üle lau Tangerine, sisenurgas Lemon Drop ning välisnurgas ja silmavaos Strawberry. Fotodelt on näha, et silmad on ebaühtlaselt tehtud ja et oleks vaja veel kõvasti hajutada. Meigibaas oli EDMi Sandy Fair ning selle peal MAD Minerals'i Baby Bronze: pildi järgi nagu ei usukski, mis? Nahk on siiski liiga valge selle kombinatsiooni jaoks. Päikesepuuder ei paista ka üldse välja - aga vahe kaelaga oli siiski tuntav.
Siin on aga link youtube videole, kus sarnane asi veidi uhkemal kujul tehtud.
Needs more blending, the eyes are a bit uneven.
BF hates it. Says it makes the eyes appear small.
Kuna kaameral on kombeks toone leebematena näidata, on see siin tõeline karnevalimeik: üle lau Tangerine, sisenurgas Lemon Drop ning välisnurgas ja silmavaos Strawberry. Fotodelt on näha, et silmad on ebaühtlaselt tehtud ja et oleks vaja veel kõvasti hajutada. Meigibaas oli EDMi Sandy Fair ning selle peal MAD Minerals'i Baby Bronze: pildi järgi nagu ei usukski, mis? Nahk on siiski liiga valge selle kombinatsiooni jaoks. Päikesepuuder ei paista ka üldse välja - aga vahe kaelaga oli siiski tuntav.
Siin on aga link youtube videole, kus sarnane asi veidi uhkemal kujul tehtud.
Monday, August 17
EOTD Rainbow, another one
Changed the color placement - otherwise the same as the previous ones - and forgot to use mascara. TKB's Green Apple on lid, Grape in the crease and Lemon Drop in inner corners. Some Conservatorie's 18K Gold above crease. MAD Minerals Quietstorm as liner. EDM's Pearl Sunlight on the browbone and under the eyes. I did a very strong makeup this time but the camera still hides the colors.
EDM's Intensive Fair concealer as foundi.
EDM's Intensive Fair concealer as foundi.
Tuesday, August 11
Some EDM blush swatches from S.
Here are swatches of her EDM blushes: Coffee Break, Cookie Sheet, Salon Fun, DVR Saturday, Time Share, Best Friends, Snuggle, Soft Touch, Pink Ribbon, Pick Me Up Pink and Champagne.
S. says she mostly uses Soft Touch, Pink Ribbon and PMUP cause they are the lightest and they do not look orange on her cheeks.
S. says she mostly uses Soft Touch, Pink Ribbon and PMUP cause they are the lightest and they do not look orange on her cheeks.