Sunday, July 19

Sans makeup

Mineral makeup makes me look so good on the photos that i thought I should do some more before and afters. The befores look quite scary, my skin when kept natural, is very multicolored. And since I have been religiously wearing sunglasses this summer, i have become the reverse panda - skin around the eyes is lighter then the rest of the face.

Pics are taken under 2 different windows.

My skin is ok at the moment, none of the nasty big and purple colored hormonal blemishes yet.

I wonder if there are people, whose skin looks absolutely flawless and smooth all over without any makeup, all the time? I'd rather say - no.

1 comment:

  1. Ohi think it's pretty impossible to have a perfect skin since everyone has sometimes spots, food or drink excesses and so on. But I find that asian girls have a really good and flawless skin.
