Friday, June 5

EOTD Green: Breath of Spring

TKB's Breath of Spring 1 layer wet, second dry, blended upwards with Sparkle, EDM's Sandy Fair as foundation and under the brows. Forgot to use Pearl Sunlight under the eyes.

NB! These pics are made 8 hrs after application.

Here's another green:

The dark color in my hair is turning redder every week. Colleagues tell me I look too alien wearing such bright green - will go back to my browns from now on.
This look is the same as above with the difference of Green Apple in the crease and Lemon Drop above that.
Do apologize for the bad quality of the pic.


  1. Nii ilus - tõeliselt kevadine! Ja tore, et jälle postitad! :)

  2. Tänud:)
    Ega ta teab mis uhke monovärv pole, rohkem sihuke highlighter ja meeskonnamängija - aga mind hämmastas selle püsivus... ma poleks uskunud, et see värv suudab terve päeva peal püsida, isegi aluskreemi abiga.
    Järgmisena peaks proovima Pop!-kollektsiooni aga need pole eriti igapäevavärvid :D.
