Sunday, February 15

Tweaking the Conservatorie's foundi

Added a touch of Grape, extremely small amount of Blueberry and silica microspheres, a half teaspoon of boron glow and three full teaspoons of TiO2 to the Conservatorie's mix (6-7 teaspoons of it - do not have an exact measuring device) - result - DAMN! too light - I've not been able to say this for years. Beautiful glowing pinkish-grayish powder in the jar and white on the face - unfortunately my neck seems too yellow now...
Coverage and adhesion are both excellent, the texture is creamy. Had to use mom's coffee grinder to mix it up though - the tiny unmixed granules of Grape streaked...

In daylight - it's a match on my neck... how the hell is this possible? And the lady downstairs commented on my beautiful flawless skin :D. Oh what a happy day...

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