Saturday, January 10

Mineraalmeik ja teised meigiblogid/Cool Beauty Blogs

Rocketqueen was the one who turned my attention towards MMU, more precisely MAD Minerals, Archetype Cosmetics and Fyrinnae. She has white skin just like me. Writes in Swedish and English.

Mõnus blogi, prantsusekeelne, palju swatche: Nemux. A very elegant lady and her blog in French, lots of swatches. Adore her EOTDs.

Sellel on uhke meigikollektsioon MyBeautyImprint ja uskumatult ilusad EOTD-d.

Sirvinya's blog and Youtube tut's brought me to MMU. She's also one of the moderators on MakeUpTalk.

Memoires of a Shopping Addict has great ideas for eye makeup.

has wonderful swatches too.

Shades of You is a very diligent blogger and has great photos, lots of swatches and countless reviews. a MAC girl...

I just wish I'd come across Caucasian girls' beauty blogs more often... Need some good ideas as to what goes best with fair complexion and blue eyes.

Meigihulle leidub igas vanuses :) Marinamake

Siin tuleb ingoreerida küünelakiteemalisi postitusi ja silmameigist snitti võtta: Purity

Shimmerkisser writes in English, has some lovely swatches of TKB stuff.

Avastasin ka selle blogi Killer Colors : väga lahe ja tõeliselt cool kergelt gooti ilublogi :). Totally cool blog, in swedish, summaries in English. Uses a lot of MAD Minerals products.

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