Oh, just spent another 50 USD on makeup, 14 of it on shipping alone. Decided it's not worth waiting for the Archetype order to arrive and chose the second best option. Besides - Conservatorie was having their 20% off sale too.
I wonder, how big a parcel is 4 ounces? Anyway that's what I will be getting in a couple of weeks - 4 ounces of Caramel Light in Deluxe formula. Plus some Silica microspheres (supposedly a good primer, hiding the fine lines and for adding the glow) and Boron glow (like the name says). The one thing I did not like about the Conservatorie foundation samples was (besides their relative darkness) that the result was matte - mixing some of these shiny compounds into it might make it more to my liking.
Picked out 3 eye shadow brushes too - one can never have too much of those:
Synthetic Oval Smudger Brush
Synthetic Oval Shadow Brush
Synthetic Oval Taklon Lip Brush
couple of makeup containers TC-1 Round Matte Silver Jar - 40g
and 11 different micas + eye shadow base mix.
I tried to pick out mica blends that would be wearable without adding the eyeshadow base mix. I now hope they are just that.
18 K Gold Foil Mica
Antique Gold Mica
Brown Coco Mica
Chameleon Glitter Mica
Dark Bronze Mica
Gold Earth Mica
Salmon Interference Mica
Shimmering Nude Mica makes a wonderful sheer pink blush
Silver Black Mica - gave it away, too dark for me
Super Brilliant Mocha Mica
Xian Vistas Mica
Will do reviews on them as soon as they arrive.
(Ordered December 26, shipped January 3, expected to arrive January 13-15)
(Arrived January 13)
Friday, December 26
Tuesday, December 23
Conservatorie Honey Light, FOTD
To prove to myself that Conservatorie's Honey Light really is as orange as I claim it to be, I made a series of photos of me wearing it. The photos unfortunately do not confirm it as well as the mirror does. (Honey Light is the only one I chose in Conservatorie's Deluxe recipe - cant actually tell the difference from the Premium+ recipe).
I did not bother with primer or with applying lots of layers - it would have just gotten more intensely orange.
I did not bother with primer or with applying lots of layers - it would have just gotten more intensely orange.
(just look under the eyes - orange is noticeable there but that's nothing when compared to the neck)
Do I need to add, that I absolutely hate the orange look on me? :P
Life a female version of a "Guido"...
Life a female version of a "Guido"...
I was truly amazed when I received these testers - on the homepage Honey looks sooo "olive" to me and IRL is such a bright orange, the feeling of disappointment is comparable to the one I had when I swatched SN Shock for the first time and found out it's bright orange (in my imagination Shock should have been pinkish golden smth and not the color of the setting sun).
I am getting a small inkling that Conservatorie's foundies are not as covering as Archetype's... bummer... they are so much more affordable. They're also full matte, lacking the beautiful glow Archetype has. That in itself should not be a very big problem - I can simply mix some shine into them, there is some talk regarding boron and silica microspheres on the forums...
It's so difficult for gals with pale skin to find the right foundation tones. Hopefully I can tweak he Caramel light into suitably white powder by adding TiO2.
I am getting a small inkling that Conservatorie's foundies are not as covering as Archetype's... bummer... they are so much more affordable. They're also full matte, lacking the beautiful glow Archetype has. That in itself should not be a very big problem - I can simply mix some shine into them, there is some talk regarding boron and silica microspheres on the forums...
It's so difficult for gals with pale skin to find the right foundation tones. Hopefully I can tweak he Caramel light into suitably white powder by adding TiO2.
Friday, December 12
Rants and ravings
It is so dark outside - continuous twilight of 5-6 hours until it gets dark again. All swatches and FOTDs look bad - it takes away all the fun in making them. I think the last time I saw the Sun happened a week ago.
One must either keep all the lights are on all day long or live in perpetual darkness and as this would not be bad in itself - all the bloody shops you happen to drop in play the same damn cheesy Christmas songs over and over again. I would very much like to sneak in a shop and secretly change the playlist: Bob Rivers' interpretation of Christmas songs would considerably improve the overall ambient, IHMO:
"The restroom door said gentlemen..."
"Carol of the Bartenders"
"We Wish You Weren't Living With Us"
Later addition: it's February now...
The Chinese new year event left the park Kadriorg so slippery (thousands came to the festivities, trampled the snow into ice) that my dog keeps on falling on his ass.
They left pretty ice sculptures behind though:
One must either keep all the lights are on all day long or live in perpetual darkness and as this would not be bad in itself - all the bloody shops you happen to drop in play the same damn cheesy Christmas songs over and over again. I would very much like to sneak in a shop and secretly change the playlist: Bob Rivers' interpretation of Christmas songs would considerably improve the overall ambient, IHMO:
"The restroom door said gentlemen..."
"Carol of the Bartenders"
"We Wish You Weren't Living With Us"
Later addition: it's February now...
The Chinese new year event left the park Kadriorg so slippery (thousands came to the festivities, trampled the snow into ice) that my dog keeps on falling on his ass.
They left pretty ice sculptures behind though:
Wednesday, December 10
Huulepulgad ja läiked
Kust leida odavat, hästi pigmenteeritud ja kauapüsivat huuleläiget?
Vaja oleks oranži ning sellist loomulikku lillakasroosat.
Enamus poes müüdavatest odavama hinnaklassi omadest haisevad mingi jubeda keemia järele ja Joik ju oranži ei tee. Kui veidi täpsustada, siis - ega Joik tugevalt pigmenteeritud huuleläikeid ka ei tee... ei püsi kuigi kaua peal.
Hilisem lisandus:
Fyrinnae'l on üle 20 USD tellimustele free shipping ja neil on oranž huuleläige Hair Dye täitsa olemas: osta või mitte osta? Review'd on kaunikesti seinast seina nende lippie'de osas... üks lippie oleks 4,5 USD.
Veel hilisem lisandus:
Tuleb leida kusagilt suvaline odav hügieeniline huulepulk/huuleläige, see korraks pigmendi sisse kasta ja huultele mätsida... nii raske see siis oligi.
Fyrinnae omad jäävad seekord ostmata.
Nn to buy lipsticks - just take the hygienic one you possibly already have, dip it into the appropriate pigment (you probably have some blushes) and voila! there's your lisptick. Same goes for lipgloss.
Vaja oleks oranži ning sellist loomulikku lillakasroosat.
Enamus poes müüdavatest odavama hinnaklassi omadest haisevad mingi jubeda keemia järele ja Joik ju oranži ei tee. Kui veidi täpsustada, siis - ega Joik tugevalt pigmenteeritud huuleläikeid ka ei tee... ei püsi kuigi kaua peal.
Here's a swatch of Joik's lipgloss:
Hilisem lisandus:
Fyrinnae'l on üle 20 USD tellimustele free shipping ja neil on oranž huuleläige Hair Dye täitsa olemas: osta või mitte osta? Review'd on kaunikesti seinast seina nende lippie'de osas... üks lippie oleks 4,5 USD.
Veel hilisem lisandus:
Tuleb leida kusagilt suvaline odav hügieeniline huulepulk/huuleläige, see korraks pigmendi sisse kasta ja huultele mätsida... nii raske see siis oligi.
Fyrinnae omad jäävad seekord ostmata.
Nn to buy lipsticks - just take the hygienic one you possibly already have, dip it into the appropriate pigment (you probably have some blushes) and voila! there's your lisptick. Same goes for lipgloss.
Tuesday, November 25
Archetype tellimus venib... ja venib... ja siis venib veel veidi...
Mul foundi juba otsas ja pidin vahepeal juba EDMi testreid kasutama hakkama...
16. okt tellitud ning nad pole veel saatmisenigi jõudnud - saadavad alles 15. septembri seisuga tellimusi välja. Kiirus on ikka HÄMMASTAV.
Olen jõudnud vahepeal juba äragi unistada, et mida üldse tellisin...
(Just ranting about Archetype's order which has still not been shipped although ordered on 16 October... it's 8 January already.)
Here's a couple of EOTD pictures featuring Erotic Underground - the color which I ordered in full size. I am really getting pissed off... If the packet does not arrive in January I'll notify PayPal.
Good news: it's January 11 and apparently my order has shipped.
Methinks - no more ordering from Archetype.
Have wasted too much money on it and the service frankly sucks.
2nd order was 31,50 USD: 2 full foundies, 2 full e/s, 4 e/s samples, shipping 5 USD.
3rd order was 15 USD - am I so sorry I did not write this one down... it had 5 foundation samples, methinks, with 5 USD shipping.
I also rather suspect that I got screwed over on my 1st order.
It's January 30 and no sign of my order...
Its February 6th and the haul is finally here.
I am not even happy... I've been so frustrated over this order that I do not even care about it now.
Mul foundi juba otsas ja pidin vahepeal juba EDMi testreid kasutama hakkama...
16. okt tellitud ning nad pole veel saatmisenigi jõudnud - saadavad alles 15. septembri seisuga tellimusi välja. Kiirus on ikka HÄMMASTAV.
Olen jõudnud vahepeal juba äragi unistada, et mida üldse tellisin...
(Just ranting about Archetype's order which has still not been shipped although ordered on 16 October... it's 8 January already.)
Here's a couple of EOTD pictures featuring Erotic Underground - the color which I ordered in full size. I am really getting pissed off... If the packet does not arrive in January I'll notify PayPal.
Good news: it's January 11 and apparently my order has shipped.
Methinks - no more ordering from Archetype.
Have wasted too much money on it and the service frankly sucks.
2nd order was 31,50 USD: 2 full foundies, 2 full e/s, 4 e/s samples, shipping 5 USD.
3rd order was 15 USD - am I so sorry I did not write this one down... it had 5 foundation samples, methinks, with 5 USD shipping.
I also rather suspect that I got screwed over on my 1st order.
It's January 30 and no sign of my order...
Its February 6th and the haul is finally here.
I am not even happy... I've been so frustrated over this order that I do not even care about it now.
Thursday, November 20
The Conservatorie testrid saabusid (The Conservatorie mini-haul)
Tellitud 11. nov, kohal 20 nov. Shipping USD 6.20, iga tester USD 1.50. Testri suurus umbes 1/3 või 1/2 ühest 5 ml purgikesest. Pärlipulbrit sain ikka paraja supilusikatäie. Suured testrid neil.
Peab ütlema, et rohelist mõtlemist see firma eriti ei harrasta: nad saatsid testrid suures pruunis pappkarbis, piisanud oleks ümbrikust... Ümbrik oleks parem ka selle pärast, et siis poetab postiljon selle sulle postkasti ja sa ei pea postkontorisse ise järele minema. Karp oli vahtplasti täis pakitud ja selle põhjas mu väikesed testrikotikesed.
I would have preferred to have my order shipped in an ordinary envelope - nn to go to the postoffice then. Then again - exercise is good for me anyway.
Võtame siis pakikesed ükshaaval läbi:
Pärlipulber (Superfine pearl powder) - huvi pärast tellisin, nüüd nuputan,mida sellega teha. V.o. annab primerina kasutada. Netis on artikleid,mis soovitavad seda mee või piimaga segatuna näomaskideks kasutada.
Riisipuuder (Rice powder) - meenutab konsistentsilt pigem mannat kuiet midagi, mida peaks nahale kandma. Kore ja vastik, kriibib isegi EDM LHK-ga peale kandes. Ma oletan, et see siin on lihtsalt liiga jämedalt jahvatatud. V.o. kasutada koorijana?
(Does not have powdery enough texture (too coarsely milled?) - I think you can make quite a passable porridge out of it though.)
Siidipulber (Superfine silk powder) - tundub kaunis mõnusa tekstuuriga, hakkan primerina kasutama.
Võtsin ka ühe foundationipõhja, et järsku on vaja puudrinäidiseid heledamaks toonida - ja ennäe, lähebki vaja...
Nüüd foundid:
Ja siin Honey, millele olin pannud palju lootusi. Kodulehe pildi järgi pidi olema kaunikesti hallikas aga IRL põhitoon hoopis oranž. Honey Light on Deluxe retseptiga, mis carnaubavaha asemel sisaldab hoopis magnesium myristate'i nimelist ainet, millega serecite mica't töödeldud on.
(Honey does not resemble the picture on Conservatorie's homepage AT ALL - totally orange IRL . Disappointment.)
Põsepunad osutusid kaunis intensiivseteks: Twinkling Pink on tõenäoliselt kasutatav, Deep Plum'i, Adobe'i ning Sunset Rose'i ma arvatavasti põsepunana kasutada ei saa (last 3 are a tad too dark for me to use them as blushes). Deep Plum on kahetooniline - peale kandes (nühkides) kipub hoopis punaseks muutuma.
(Deep Plum becomes redish when rubbed.)
Vasakult paremale: Archetype hele segu, Honey Medium, Honey Light Medium, Honey Light, Caramel Light Medium, Caramel Light, Foundation base mix, Pearl powder.
2 põsepuna on lausa imelised lauvärvid (kui sulle roosa istub, muidugi).
Peab ütlema, et rohelist mõtlemist see firma eriti ei harrasta: nad saatsid testrid suures pruunis pappkarbis, piisanud oleks ümbrikust... Ümbrik oleks parem ka selle pärast, et siis poetab postiljon selle sulle postkasti ja sa ei pea postkontorisse ise järele minema. Karp oli vahtplasti täis pakitud ja selle põhjas mu väikesed testrikotikesed.
I would have preferred to have my order shipped in an ordinary envelope - nn to go to the postoffice then. Then again - exercise is good for me anyway.
Võtame siis pakikesed ükshaaval läbi:
Pärlipulber (Superfine pearl powder) - huvi pärast tellisin, nüüd nuputan,mida sellega teha. V.o. annab primerina kasutada. Netis on artikleid,mis soovitavad seda mee või piimaga segatuna näomaskideks kasutada.
Riisipuuder (Rice powder) - meenutab konsistentsilt pigem mannat kuiet midagi, mida peaks nahale kandma. Kore ja vastik, kriibib isegi EDM LHK-ga peale kandes. Ma oletan, et see siin on lihtsalt liiga jämedalt jahvatatud. V.o. kasutada koorijana?
(Does not have powdery enough texture (too coarsely milled?) - I think you can make quite a passable porridge out of it though.)
Siidipulber (Superfine silk powder) - tundub kaunis mõnusa tekstuuriga, hakkan primerina kasutama.
Võtsin ka ühe foundationipõhja, et järsku on vaja puudrinäidiseid heledamaks toonida - ja ennäe, lähebki vaja...
Nüüd foundid:
Siin ka pilt kodulehelt: Caramel foundide testrid Light ja Light Medium, mõlemad Premium+ retseptiga,mis sisaldab carnauba wax treated mica't.
Caramel Light is totally wearable for white skinned folks. Just remember to add some of the white foundation base to your order for those winter months.
Caramel Light is totally wearable for white skinned folks. Just remember to add some of the white foundation base to your order for those winter months.
Ja siin Honey, millele olin pannud palju lootusi. Kodulehe pildi järgi pidi olema kaunikesti hallikas aga IRL põhitoon hoopis oranž. Honey Light on Deluxe retseptiga, mis carnaubavaha asemel sisaldab hoopis magnesium myristate'i nimelist ainet, millega serecite mica't töödeldud on.
(Honey does not resemble the picture on Conservatorie's homepage AT ALL - totally orange IRL . Disappointment.)
Põsepunad osutusid kaunis intensiivseteks: Twinkling Pink on tõenäoliselt kasutatav, Deep Plum'i, Adobe'i ning Sunset Rose'i ma arvatavasti põsepunana kasutada ei saa (last 3 are a tad too dark for me to use them as blushes). Deep Plum on kahetooniline - peale kandes (nühkides) kipub hoopis punaseks muutuma.
(Deep Plum becomes redish when rubbed.)
Põsepunade swatchid siin:
Swatch'id paberil ja nahal (primerina siidipulber):
Swatches made wet only, silk powder as primer, for comparison I have also made a swatch of the Archetype foundi I currently use.Vasakult paremale: Archetype hele segu, Honey Medium, Honey Light Medium, Honey Light, Caramel Light Medium, Caramel Light, Foundation base mix, Pearl powder.
2 põsepuna on lausa imelised lauvärvid (kui sulle roosa istub, muidugi).
Caramel light foundi
Twinkling Pink blush üle lau (dry)
Välimine V Deep Plum blush (crease, dry)
SN Blue Steel lainerina (wet)
Twinkling Pink blush üle lau (dry)
Välimine V Deep Plum blush (crease, dry)
SN Blue Steel lainerina (wet)
Wednesday, November 12
Silk Naturals'i kuulsate kaubamärkide kloonid
Igapäevatoonide osas pakub Silk Naturals oma kloone Bobbi Brown'i komplektidest Stonewashed Nudes ning Shimmering Nudes. 3,75 USD tükk - ei raatsi eriti tellida. Samas on Bobbi Browni originaal ikka väga rahakotivaenuliku hinnaga. Võibolla uuel aastal...
Silk Naturals'i Shimmering Nudes'itest lausa pean nende kodulehelt kopitud pildi siia panema, kas pole nad mitte kaunid?
Lisaks on neil veel tohutu posu MACi, Nars'i, Chanel'i jne kuulsamaid toone kloonitud. Osad päris lahedad kuid värikirevaid toone on mul juba liigagi palju.
(Silk Naturals offers various famous brand's color clones.)
Silk Naturals'i Shimmering Nudes'itest lausa pean nende kodulehelt kopitud pildi siia panema, kas pole nad mitte kaunid?
Lisaks on neil veel tohutu posu MACi, Nars'i, Chanel'i jne kuulsamaid toone kloonitud. Osad päris lahedad kuid värikirevaid toone on mul juba liigagi palju.
(Silk Naturals offers various famous brand's color clones.)
Simply Naturalsi uus tellimus - tasasemad toonid igapäevameigiks (another Simply Naturals haul)
Nagu kõik algajad meikijad tellisin ka mina kõigepealt igasugu "huvitavaid" lauvärve kuid vaja ju ka selliseid, millega teha "igavat" igapäevameiki. Osaliselt läks ka seekordne tellimus küll metsa (mida ma küll mõtlesin, kui Shock'i tellisin (mattoranž, tuleb välja)) kuid mõned pärlid siin siiski ka on. Oma suvel kokkuahnitsetud sinised toonid pean igatahes pruunisilmsetele sõpsidele laiali jagama.
Tänane look siis Carmel üle terve lau, välimine V Mocca ning lainerina Sandlewood. Meigialus Archetype, Goshi ripsmekas (saast aplikaator, oleks ikka Lumene Blueberry pidanud ostma).
Veel üks hea neutraalne look:
Cafe Satin üle lau, tugevamalt välimine V, sisenurkades Polished Silver, lainerina Sandlewood, Archetype'i foundi.
Sümmeetriaga on veel probleeme :S . Samuti on värvid fotodel veidi off.
Tõeline väljakutse saab olema Shock'i väljakandmine :D
Siin kuivalt (dry application) Polished Silver &Twilight, lainerina Jungle (wet).
A mono-toned look, using Carmel dry all over lid and wet in the outer V and on the lashline.
Tänane look siis Carmel üle terve lau, välimine V Mocca ning lainerina Sandlewood. Meigialus Archetype, Goshi ripsmekas (saast aplikaator, oleks ikka Lumene Blueberry pidanud ostma).
Veel üks hea neutraalne look:
Cafe Satin üle lau, tugevamalt välimine V, sisenurkades Polished Silver, lainerina Sandlewood, Archetype'i foundi.
Sümmeetriaga on veel probleeme :S . Samuti on värvid fotodel veidi off.
Tõeline väljakutse saab olema Shock'i väljakandmine :D
Siin kuivalt (dry application) Polished Silver &Twilight, lainerina Jungle (wet).
A mono-toned look, using Carmel dry all over lid and wet in the outer V and on the lashline.