Saturday, September 13

Simply Naturals'i lillad swatch'id (purples )

Värvid on kantud MAD Minerals'i peitepulbrile.

Vasakult paremale: esimene on kuivalt, teine niiskelt (v.a. viimane toon).

  1. Amethyst - tumehallikas ploomililla, kuivalt suht mittemidagiütlev toon.
  2. Perfect Pout (Ocean Mist'i tester) - sinakam violetne toon
  3. Blossom - helesinakaslilla, sobib highlihteriks.

Nendel FOTD-del (face of the day) on näha Amethyst välisnurkades ning Jungle sisemistes.
Päevavalguses tehtud, IRL sädeleb rohkem ning on märkimisväärselt tumedam - ma ei saa aru, miks piltidele ei jää... :S

Lisandus: Primrose kui roosa toon peaks vist rohkem siia alla käima: seega selline on Primrose kuival pealekandmisel, lainerina Moca (primerina Archetype' foundi).

Proovisin lilladega uuesti seda rohelillat looki - no ei õnnestu.
(I think these colors - Amethyst and Jungle - are wearable only with some decent creamy eyeshadow primer. I used them dry here and the color just disappears in a blink...)
Also tried a look using just the purples I've got and this was a disaster as well:
Pearl powder as primer, Blossom all over lid, then Amethyst all over lid, Blue Steel in outer V and blended with Blossom again. I am truly fed up with Blossom - on it's own it's just white with purplish sheen and not wearable at all. Purple is not my color.

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